My Shout Out


Thursday, November 19, 2009

UPM Sem break..

Finally after a long long semester and long long endurance of physical, mental and emotional endurance. I can finally rest at home. With zero stress zero problems and most importantly finally can be my self. This entire semester was filled with all kinds of problems that really really really tested my patience, power, faith and my endurance. What to do. It was a long semester and i am half way in my 3 years course. 3 years is short so things are expected to go harder. But course works are not much of a problem.. Just that as my boss once said.. 人的问题.. people problem. Well with all kinds of people around. There are bound to have conflicts. Just that I don't know why I am seeing so much of it and being force to choose sides. Kinda like dragged in. Why do I have to choose sides. Doing so means i have to join the conflict. =.= so complicated. Life should not be that complicated. Be nice to everyone including ur enemies. Isn't that what every religion teaches everyone? if people don't hold on to religion as life principle. Then there is still moral. Moral teaches us to be good. Where did all these bad things and rage come from in the first place? Is it a virus that spreads? Is there a cure? will the plague be over? All these questions that i think no one considers about and do not look outside the box. Most people just stick to their own perception and never consider for others. Never think of what other people thinks or how other people feels. Mostly are thinking for themselves. Everything for their happiness and never think for others. I think this is the main cause of conflicts. People are never considerate. If only every one can be considerate and care for each other instead of their own happiness. I think things would not be so complicated. =D Well I know this might sound awkward but I think is everyone tries to understand each other and be considerate and put our own ego and self importance behind. Be nice to others. Everyone would be happy. For wat they always say. Giving is better than receiving.. right?? Well I dont know.. these are my thoughts are from what i analyse observing everything remaining neutral at all times. I feel no one is wrong. Just that things happen.. misunderstanding and stuff. Revenge is pointless. Well i dont know.. What i know is I am back at home now.. away from all these problems. So finally i can enjoy some peace of mind. Refresh and restore my mental state. As well as enjoy life. Food ... here i come... hahaha

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