My Shout Out


Monday, December 22, 2008

Chores.. Kill The Ugly Frog!!??

Wake up!! Its getting late!! Wash the fish Tank!! ~~ That was what i heard while half awake.. My mom was asking me to wake up and help out with chores..

Upon hearing that statement.. i Snug deeper into my blanket... wanting to sleep more and ignore my work..

After a few sleepy and groggy seconds i drag my self up.. away from bed.. and started doing the chores i was given...

I hate doing it.. coz its dirty and time consuming..
HOWEVER!! I learn to KILL the UGLY FROG of you life FIRST!!!
I means that if you have something tat you hate to do... then do it first..
It will make your day after that much more smoother and happier..

Its better than dragging the work along with you ..and keep saying later later later.. you'll feel bad with it all day long...

I'm blogging now since i finish all my chores for the morning...
Beside washing the fish tank.. I washed the Car too...

And now i'm feeling good.. noon have things to do too.. but not that hard to manage.. in fact I'm enjoying my day already ^_^

Well here is the picture of my fish..




♥Pσρρч™ said...

waaa...well done^^
but ur fish is so ugly..==
haha...just kidding^^

Mrs Spongebob Squarepant said...

so cute..i can see d improvement...nway..good cleaner..

nuranne said...

found ur blog...mind if im bugging U